Please notice, that we are not working in our factories in Biedenkopf and in Burbach from 23rd December 2024 – 3rd of January 2024 due to holidays.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
New energy-efficient Arburg plastic injection molding machine
We have expanded our machine park with a new, energy-efficient Arburg plastic injection molding machine. With this new machine, we are taking another step towards Industry 4.0. Individual products can be traced back 100% using so-called DM codes. In addition, codes can be applied that lead to a digital product passport, which enables separation. In addition, servo-electric drives and braking energy recovery ensure high energy efficiency and energy consumption that is up to 50% lower.
The data of the new machine:
Arburg injection molding machine
Type: 370 E 600 – 170
Tie bars: 370 x 370 mm
Shot weight PS max. about 105 g
with material suction and paint dosing device Koch
as well as parts conveyor belt
equipped with:
6-axis articulated robot for inserting and removing parts
For details please look up our machine lists >> Toolmaking | >> Punching | >> Plastic processing
Extension of our PV system
We have expanded the existing PV system on the roof of our factory in order to produce even more electricity in the future and thus make our own energy consumption as sustainable as possible. To this end, we expanded the existing PV system by 13.7 kWp in June.
FEBU goes electric
On March 30th, 2021, we added our first electric car to our fleet and built a charging station.
Annual closing for christmas
Please notice, that we are not working in our factories in Biedenkopf and in Burbach from 19th December 2020 – 3rd of January 2021 due to holidays.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Febu takes over foundry Schmidt from Biedenkopf

With effect from April 1, 2020, Febu GmbH from Burbach took over the operations of Hermann Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG from Biedenkopf in central Hesse. The exact Beratung GmbH from Wetzlar has accompanied the succession of the medium-sized company Hermann Schmidt, which was founded in 1955. The company’s activities include the development and production of plastic injection molded parts. For more than 22 years the company has been managed by Stephan Schmidt, industrial foreman plastics and kaut-schuk, who took over the company from his family.
Febu GmbH, represented by the managing director Andreas Fey, comes from the industry environment and wants to keep the company location in its original form. The family-owned company is engaged in the production of stamped and plastic parts and wants to expand the field of plastic processing by purchasing the company. The Febu GmbH has its company headquarters in the Burbach, about 40 kilometers away.
Andreas and Henrik Fey have founded Hermann Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG with all its previous employees, operating equipment and business premises. Stephan Schmidtist will initially continue to work in an advisory capacity. Financial details were not disclosed.
Annual closing for easter
Please notice, that we are not working from 09th April 2020 – 14th of April 2020 due to holidays.
We wish you a Happy Easter!
Annual closing for christmas
Please notice, that we are not working from 21th December 2019 – 5th of January 2020 due to holidays.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Annual closing for easter
Please notice, that we are not working from 18th April 2019 – 23th of April 2019 due to holidays.
In addition, we have closed from May 30 to May 31, 2019.
We wish you a Happy Easter!
New 3D printer
New 3D printer that produces precision prototypes in the shortest possible time. The 3D printing processes we use enable us to build prototypes, design and functional models based on your 3D data. Even complex or very filigree shapes can be produced this way. We manufacture prototypes from various plastics.
The prototypes and models produced in 3D printing are particularly convincing due to their true-to-detail production, exact dimensions as well as their high stability and temperature resistance. Thanks to these properties, the functional models can be subjected to meaningful tests under real conditions.